What is Cone Cabbage? + Deconstructed Asian Cabbage Roll Recipe

I've teamed up with my favorite local farm to bring you another wonderful post! All the vegetables as well as the honey all came from Bountiful Farms. So if you're ever in their area, make sure you stop in and grab some.

Today I'm going to be telling you about another unique vegetable you can use in your dishes. In the past I told you about the interesting use of romanesco, but today's veggie that I'm bringing into the spotlight is cone cabbage! For this post, I'm going to give you a brief description about it and its nutrition, and then show you a recipe you can make using it. So let's get started, shall we?

What is Cone Cabbage?

While almost everyone knows about cabbage, the cone variety is quite different when it comes to its overall look as well as its flavor. It's cone-shaped (obviously) and has a remarkably sweet flavor to it. This cabbage variety is perfect shredded to make coleslaw and sauerkraut, and also pairs perfectly with stir-fries, vegetable medleys as well as the recipe I'll get into in a little bit. 

Nutritionally speaking, cone cabbage is full of antioxidants and is also an excellent source for getting vitamin C. 

Now on with the recipe!

Now here comes the fun part, and that is telling you all about this recipe for Deconstructed Asian Cabbage Rolls.

 I really love to make recipes that the whole family can enjoy and only take a few ingredients, and that's why I love this so much. It's a play on the traditional cabbage roll, but completely deconstructed and given an Asian twist in flavor (hence the title).

And as always, make sure you know where your produce comes from and support your local farmers.

So let's get started and make this wonderful recipe that everyone can enjoy together!

Deconstructed Asian Cabbage Rolls                                                     
  1. 2 lb. ground sausage
  2. 1 small head shredded cone cabbage
  3. 1 small head shredded red cabbage
  4. 3 yellow carrots
  5. 3 orange carrots

  6. Dressing

  1. 2 tbsp. raw honey
  2. 2 tbsp. olive oil
  3. 4 tbsp. Bragg Liquid Aminos
  4. Granulated onion and garlic to taste
  5. Pepper to taste

  6. Instructions
1. Thinly slice cone and red cabbage. Shred yellow and orange carrots. Place all the ingredients for the dressing in a small bowl. Whisk together until well combined.

2. Brown sausage in a pan until cooked.

3. Pour the dressing onto the cabbage and carrot mixture. Toss until combined. Add mixture to sausage, stir until well incorporated. Place lid on pan and allow it to cook until vegetables are tender.

4. Serve and enjoy!


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