My Favorite AIP "Cheese"

Every once in awhile, there comes a recipe that you make and it just blows you off your feet. Today I'm going to share with you an AIP-friendly, nut free and dairy free recipe that did just that! It's a short post, but I just got to get the word out there about how great this is.

One day I was exploring for a unique and creative recipe to use some zucchini we had leftover. Where we live, we get great zucchinis all year round, so it definitely means incorporating them in a lot of different dishes.

When I wasn't sure what to make, I happened to stumble across a recipe for "cheese" made out of zucchinis from a blogger I love called A Squirrel In The Kitchen. If you haven't been to her blog, please take a quick trip over to her and check out some of her recipes. Sophie is an autoimmune warrior and passionate foodie, and she makes some really delicious recipes. This one, and many others, are perfect for anyone looking for an AIP-compliant recipe to try.

It's such a great tasting recipe and is very versatile! You can incorporate it into practically anything your heart desires.

It also melts perfectly! I love to use this recipe when making AIP pizzas, wraps and taco salads.

So what are you waiting for? Head on over to Squirrel in the Kitchen and try out this recipe, you won't be sorry!

Click here for Sophie's recipe for AIP Cheese


  1. I can't wait to make this, I have everything BUT the zucchini. (Yes, we have two big things of nutritional yeast. ) I can't wait for zucchini season!


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